Monday, February 10, 2014


It just so turns out that I can't teach ballet, be a mother, baby sit twice a week, work at Old Navy, prepare for a half marathon, feed my family, ace all of my classes, and keep a blog going. Surprise!
I had the idea for this blog back in October and then decided to wait to start it because I was going to start school again.  And then for a week or so I thought the whole school thing wasn't going to work out, so I decided I would start the blog after all.  And then 12 hrs after writing my first post I signed up for classes, and 24 hrs later went to my first class of the semester.  And there I was, I knew school was the priority but I was too prideful to not keep posting on my blog after the first post so I decided to do both.  And now I have taken my first chemistry test and physics test of the semester and have realized that I need to put about 10 more hours a week into my studies and the only place I can take that time from is by not posting on my blog. Blah, I hate this feeling of letting something go, but I guess I'm not letting it go I'm just putting it on hold.  If I get super caught up on my studies I will post here and there, and then in April when my classes are done I'll go full throttle on the blog. Thank you to those of you who view my blog and who have supported me. It's been fun, and I'll be back!!

1 comment:

  1. We live along time so you will have time someday! You did a great job with your posts.
