Monday, July 21, 2014

Mommy Monday: 14 Weeks

Well since my last blog post I finished two semesters at BYU, became a certified nurse assistant, got a job as a certified nurse assistant, quit said job and moved to New Mexico.  That's right Jordan and I dropped everything in Utah and moved to Albuquerque for Pharmacy school.  We had lots of options for schools but the University of New Mexico was always our top choice so we were thrilled when Jordan got accepted. So we are starting on our next chapter of life in a new state, at a new school, and with a new BABY! Yes that is right our family of 3 will become a family of 4 in January.  I am 14 weeks along and just out of the morning sickness and feeling great!  If you knew me through my first pregnancy you might recall that I gained a little over 75 lbs! It was not very enjoyable to say the least. My goal with this pregnancy is to stay in the normal weight gain range.  I'd love to hear any advice you have about this subject.  Right now I'm just trying to stay active and watch what I eat, but we will see what happens with time!

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