Friday, January 10, 2014

Fitness Friday: Fitness Goals

This year I kind of dislike the idea of New Years resolutions.  I fell like we should be making resolutions every day, every week, every month.  We should just always be setting goals to be better than what we are now.  So I have not made a new fitness goal for the New Year I have just decided to be committed to the goals I made over the summer, which are to run a half marathon and do an Olympic triathlon and to do something EVERY DAY.  After I had Norah there were many times I made goals to lose a certain amount of weight or to have a firmer this or tighter that. But now I have decided that it is more important to have a fitness goal rather than a weight goal.  It is much more fun to wake up and think "I want to run 6 miles today, or I want to bike to work today because I know I will feel great afterward and I will get stronger".  Rather than "I'm going to do 100000000 squats today so I will have a perfect butt".  Because trust me I have done squats until the cows came home and my butt is far from perfect.  This change of mentality has made my workouts much more enjoyable, but everyone has to do what is best for them.  What ever mentality gets you up and using the amazing body you've be given is worth keeping.  So what am I trying to say really?  I guess I'm just saying it is so much more fun to see what my body is capable of rather than being so concerned with how my body looks.  I may not ever see the number on the scale that I want but I can definitely see the number I want on a treadmill.  So yeah, now that I've gotten this out there you can expect my next couple of Fitness Friday posts to contain training tips and techniques for triathlons and half marathons, so look forward to it and start moving!!

Something is better than nothing!

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