Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday: You Tube Educational Videos

So I have started going back to school to hopefully do something in the medical field and am taking chemistry and physics.  These are definitely not easy classes by any means and I am spending about 4 hours a day studying for them. I am really taking these classes seriously and want to make sure I understand every subject the best that I can.  So I always do the assigned reading and practice problems, the only issue is that TEXTBOOKS ARE THE WORST! Don't get me wrong the books are good for a couple of things like giving the order of learning certain subjects and giving practice problems, but sometimes I will finish a section or a chapter and have no clue what it was talking about.  This is when I turn to You Tube.  Its the best! I type in the subject, for example "electron configuration" and I can choose from a number of related videos. The best part is that then it starts to make since!  This may seem like a simple obvious solution and that's because it is! My advice is that if you are in school right now, or just want to learn something new, utilize youtube, you will be pleasantly surprised! Another good website for education (especially math) is, check it out!

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