Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spiritual Sunday:Creativity

Our Sunday school lesson today was on the creation.  It was focused on scriptures found in Moses Chapter 2.  It was interesting because there were some things the teacher said that related to my blog post last week about they way you must explain things to a child. When a 4 year old asks, how does an airplane stay in the sky, you can not go into all of the details of physics because the child still wouldn't understand.  You have to choose to only explain parts that will make since to the child.  The Sunday School teacher compared this to the account of the creation, God could not explain exactly how he created the earth because we would not understand.  He went on to say that just how God is the greatest creator of all he has given us the power and desire to create as well.  I love this idea.  That we have an amazing power to create, anything from a human being to an apple pie.  We all have the desire and we need to fuel it because that is how we can make the world a better place and become more like God.  This topic reminded me of a video the came out on the Mormon Channel a couple years ago that I'm sure you have seen, but it is worth watching multiple times, it is so inspiring.  I love that President Uchtdorf states, "don't let the voices of criticism paralyze you".  We are struck with doubt and discouragement at every corner, but we just need to learn from it and go on creating! This week I am going to create more knowledge in my brain and get an A on my physics test! What are you going to create this week?

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